21st-23rd October 2024

EAVLD 2024

7th Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians
Scientific ProgrammeRegister Now
Under the auspices of:

Padua Congress Center

Via N. Tommaseo 59
35131 Padova (Italy)

A unique, contemporary and flexible space. An architectural gem that joins design, functionality and technology. An internationally oriented venue that can host events for up to 3,334 people. Just a few steps from the vibrant historic center of Padua, steeped in art and culture, and under 30 minutes from Venice, the new Padova Congress center – the largest in the Veneto – is the ideal destination for congresses, big events, corporate conventions, meetings, galas.

Padua can be easily reached by train. It is 2 hours from Milan, an hour and a half from Bologna and only 20 minutes from Venice and Vicenza. The train station is about 500 meters from the congress center.

From the Milan-Venice (A4) highway, take the Padova Est exit then follow signs for the Fiera. From the Bologna-Padua (A13) highway, take the Padova Sud exit then follow signs for the Fiera.
The Congress Center offers ample parking facilities: in addition to the 1,400 spaces available on the exhibition grounds, there are 800 external spaces.

The nearest airport is Marco Polo International Airport in Tessera, Venice, which can be reached in about half an hour by highway.

Official website
keynote speaker
Oral Presentations
Abstracts Received
Early Career Researcher Oral Presentations

— meet our —

Keynote Speakers

Giorgia Angeloni

President of Vétérinaires Sans Frontières International;
Vicepresident of Veterinari Senza Frontiere Italia,
Researcher at Research and International Cooperation
Unit of IZSVe

Bernardino Fantini

Honorary Professor of the History of Medicine and
Health, Geneva Medical School, University of Geneva

Masa Funabashi

Research Director and Senior Researcher at Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. Tokyo, Japan

Polychronis Kostoulas

Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Head, Laboratory of Epidemiology & Artificial Intelligence

Faculty of Public & One Health, University of Thessaly, Greece

Isabella Monne

WOAH/EU and National Reference Laboratory for avian influenza & Newcastle disease FAO Reference Centre for animal influenza and Newcastle disease Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, Legnaro (PD) ITALY

Antonio Martinez-Murcia

Professor of Microbiology at Miguel Hernández University,
Alicante and genetic PCR solutions

Beatriz Romero Martínez

Director of the EU-RL for bovine tuberculosis and expert on mammalian TB by the WOAH. VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre, Complutense University of Madrid Assistant professor. Animal Health Department, Veterinary Faculty, Complutense University of Madrid

Dorina Timofte

School of Veterinary Science Institute of Infection, Veterinary and Ecological Sciences (IVES), University of Liverpool, Leahurst Campus Neston CH64 7TE UK

— do not lose the opportunity —


Abstract Online System Opening

January 15, 2024

Abstract Online System Closing

July 15th, 2024

Deadline Registration for abstract author

August 30, 2024

Deadline for receipt

Abstracts should be submitted by July 15th 2024, 23:59 CET.

Confirmation of receipt

Receipt of the abstract will be acknowledged by e-mail immediately after submission.

Notification of acceptance or rejection

Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection before August 2nd 2024.

Abstract can be submitted into the following scientific topics:

• Animal health
• Animal welfare
• Antimicrobial resistance / susceptibility testing
• Biosecurity in animal health
• Emerging and re-e merging diseases
• Epidemiology / Risk analysis and communication
• Exotic diseases in developed countries
• Food Safety
• Forensic diagnostics
• Genomics
• Immunology and vaccines
• Laboratory animals
• New Diagnostic Testing Technologies
• Proficiency Testing – participant and organizer perspective
• Zoonoses / vector borne diseases
• Miscellaneous

Abstract guidelines:

All abstracts must be written in English.
Abstracts are limited to 2300 characters, spaces included (title, authors’ names and affiliations excluded). The system will automatically notify you if the abstract exceeds this number of characters.
Title, author(s) and affiliation(s) must be added separately at the appropriate step.
Each abstract has to contain these parts:
-Materials and Methods
-Discussion and Conclusion

Up to 3 Pictures/charts/tables can be uploaded.
Abstract authors are asked whether they wish apply for an oral presentation during the scientific symposia.
All abstracts will be reviewed by the EAVLD 2024 Scientific Committee. They will decide which abstracts will be accepted and what will be the final presentation type.

— Registrations —

Congress registration fees

*Members are required to submit their membership ID during the registration process.
*Students are required to submit their Student ID during the registration process.

For info: [email protected]

Early Bird Registration
(Until August 30th)
EAVLD/SIDiLV Member € 420,00
ECVM/ESGM Member € 430,00
Non Member € 480,00
PhD Student € 330,00
Degree Student € 280,00
Register Now
Regular Registration
(Beetween August 31st- October 11th)
EAVLD/SIDiLV Member € 490,00
ECVM/ESGM Member € 500,00
Non Member € 550,00
PhD Student € 380,00
Degree Student € 280,00
Onsite Registration
at the registration desk
EAVLD/SIDiLV Member € 520,00
ECVM/ESGM Member € 530,00
Non Member € 580,00
PhD Student € 410,00
Degree Student € 280,00
All prices are inclusive of VAT taxes


When filling out the online registration form we strongly recommend to pay particular attention to the Invoicing page.
Before registering, carefully check who the invoice shall be headed to and make sure you have all relevant information:
• header
• address
• VAT code
• fiscal code (for Italians only)
• PO number (if required)
Make sure the invoice details you are going to indicate are the correct ones. In case of requests for data corrections and/or invoice re-issuing due to wrong data submission, the Organizing Secretariat will apply a fee of € 50,00 for each new document re-issued, which shall be paid in advance.


Registration fees shall be paid by credit card or bank transfer through the available on-line system.
When paying by bank transfer, a copy of the transfer receipt must be sent to [email protected]
Registrations without proof of payment will not be accepted.
The organising secretariat will send registration confirmation upon receipt of payment by e-mail.
Please be sure your e-mail address is filled in correctly.


To facilitate congress attendance a personal invitation can be sent on request. This invitation does not exempt the recipient from registering and paying the proper congress fee. Please inform the congress secretariat if you need a personal invitation letter.
Registration fees and charges for all events related to the EAVLD Congress 2024 must be paid in euros.


Cancellations must be sent to [email protected].
The amount equal to 50% of the fee paid will be refunded for cancellations received by 30th August 2024.
After that date no refunds will be issued.
All refunds will be paid in euros after the congress.


The congress secretariat reserves the right to cancel the congress, shift venue or change dates without notice in case of “force majeure”. Neither VET International nor the Congress Organising Committee shall be liable for any damage claims.


Registration fees do not include the insurance of participants against personal accidents, sickness and cancellations by any party, theft, loss or damage to personal possessions. Participants are advised to take out adequate personal insurance to cover travel, accommodation, cancellation and personal effects.

Social Programme

Congress Dinner

Tuesday 22 october 2024 – 19.30 

Caffè Pedrocchi 

€ 50 vat included 

€ 85 vat included  for accompanying person

*this service is available for purchase during registration


Caffè Pedrocchi, a historic symbol of Padua 

A unique heritage venue in Padua 

The history of Caffè Pedrocchi has always been closely connected to the city of Padua.
Caffè Pedrocchi, a symbol and icon of the city, is an unmissable tourist destination for anyone visiting Padua. 

Register now

Post Congress Tour

Wednesday 23 october 2024 – 15.00
  Wednesday 23 october 2024 – 16.00


(visit lasts 45 minutes) 

A visit to PALAZZO BO 

€ 10,00 vat included

*this service is available for purchase during registration

“Allowing that the honour of being home to the  scientific revolution might be said to belong to one single place, that place is Padua.”  – (H.Butterfield, Harvard University, 1958) 

The visit includes:

Palazzo Bo, The Old Court and The Heraldic Crests, The Great Hall, The Sala Dei Quaranta, Galileo’s Rostrum, The Medice Hall

The tour will start directly from Palazzo Bo

More info here


  • Animal health
  • Animal welfare
  • Antimicrobial resistance / susceptibility testing
  • Biosecurity in animal health
  • Emerging and re-e merging diseases
  • Epidemiology / Risk analysis and communication
  • Exotic diseases in developed countries
  • Food Safety
  • Forensic diagnostics
  • Genomics
  • Immunology and vaccines
  • Laboratory animals
  • New Diagnostic Testing Technologies
  • Proficiency Testing – participant and organizer perspective
  • Zoonoses / vector borne diseases
  • Miscellaneous

— EAVLD 2024 —



President: Marialaura Corrente
Vice President: Antonio Martínez-Murcia
Treasurer: Viktor Ahlberg
Secretary: Jason Sawyer
Heather Graham
István Kiss
Marzia Pezzolato

Young Researchers Session Committee

Giorgia Angeloni
Gabriele Meroni
Mattia Pirolo
Anna Salvaggiulo
Giovanni Sgroi
Flavia Zandri

Congress President

Loredana Baldi

Organising Committee

Giorgia Angeloni
Nicola Pozzato
Antonia Ricci
Mariagrazia Zanoni
Alessandro Zotti

Scientific Committee

Viktor Ahlberg
Luca Bargelloni
Giovanni Cattoli
Marialaura Corrente
Nicola Decaro
Gabriella Elia
Carmen Losasso
Antonio Martínez-Murcia
Antonio Parisi
Jason Sawyer

— EAVLD 2024 —

Media Kit

Congress logo


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Social Network


Negative Congress Logo


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Slide template


— contact us —

Organising secretariat

Send message

T. +39 0266802323